You Are A Work Of Art

How can it be December? Wasn’t it just January last week? With one month left in 2021, are you happy with the impact you have made in your world this year? If the answer to that question is no or that you are unsure, don’t worry, you still have a month to make a difference.

For most of us, our New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside long ago; they are a distant memory. Who says you can’t start a resolution in December? If there is something you are wanting to do in your life, don’t wait until January, do it now! Do you know how many times I’ve started and stopped a “diet”? Too many times to count! But I try to just keep going.

With that being said, I had a major issue with body image and anxiety last week. I cried about it, I sulked about it, I whined about it…I was so nervous and upset that I didn’t look the way I wanted to, that I made myself sick. I was miserable and am still fighting that demon as I write this article.

My sweet husband was a constant source of reassurance and hope. I needed to be reminded that I was made in the image of God himself. We are all a masterpiece of God. The entire human race are like little Mona Lisa paintings walking the earth. Would you go up to Leonard Da Vinci and tell him that his paintings were lacking and not good enough? Of course, you wouldn’t! So why do we (me for sure) constantly belittle God’s artwork that is our bodies?

Our bodies are wonders and are beautiful, no matter if they need to be polished a little. Take care of yourself; take care of God’s masterpiece. Start treating yourself like the Mona Lisa you are!

This week’s recipe is a delish, warm soup. Perfect for these cold nights as we start watching the sky for Santa and his reindeer.

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14