Tina's Tales

Ruckin’ And Rollin’ Part 2

Ruckin’ And Rollin’ Part 2

By: Stephanie Reynolds Last time we talked about rucking (walking with a weighted backpack) for health. Now, let’s get into...
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Imperfectly REAL

Imperfectly REAL

By: Tina Cook “Never say never!” A few weeks ago, I actually said I would probably never write anything else...
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They Are Us

They Are Us

By: Tina Cook Anyone who has hung around 12-Step Recovery rooms knows slogans, quotes, and sayingsthat are unique to our...
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It’s A Wonderful Life!

It’s A Wonderful Life!

By: Tina Cook If I told you that 2022 was fabulous with no mishaps or issues, I would be lying!...
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Up From the Grave I Arose

Up From the Grave I Arose

By: Tina Cook To my Debra & Vicki: Thanks for helping me pedal It’s been almost a decade since I...
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