How “Doses Of Criticism” Are Like “Doses Of Medicines” Part III

By: Detri L. McGhee

This week, let’s look at some additional ways medicine can remind us of criticism, and perhaps enable us to better use and apply criticisms that we receive, no matter from where or from whom they come, and no matter how they are delivered.

Let’s review some of the ways, in general, from our first article in the April 19 issue:

1. Proper administration is important: Dosage & method. (Remember Phenergan?)

2. Either can be meant to save or take lives; to heal or harm.

3. They can be delivered by friend or foe, or even uninvolved stranger.

4. The wrong dosage can be destructive, no matter how well intended.

5. Just because it worked for others, doesn’t mean it is right for you.

6. No matter who prescribes it for you, you are not required to take it.

7. Even if everyone else participates, even raves about it, it is important that you consider how it affects YOU. (I can relate this to statins!)

We have previously looked a little at #1 and #2, so what about #3? Drugs/medicine and criticisms can be administered by those seeking to help us or those seeking to harm us. They can be administered by friend, foe, or even a complete stranger. WHO delivers the criticism is important. However, we must be careful not to dismiss it, devalue it, ignore it, or take it TOO seriously because a friend delivered it. This area needs several hours’ consideration, so we can only touch the surface here.

A few general thoughts: Sometimes a friend or family member who loves us waits so long to tell us about a problem that they delay until a crisis time comes, and they deliver it in frustration, anger, or pain. This hurts. But it doesn’t negate the need for us to objectively consider the criticism itself. Part or all of the message may be super valuable to us, but the delivery was so painful we choose not to take it to heart. We lose if we don’t gain. Our goal is to grow to the point that we can lay aside the method of delivery and consider the value and truth of the message within.

Another thought to consider: When a foe comes at us with criticism, it is easy to toss it aside. We know they want to harm us, so why should we listen to them? Well, frankly, what they see wrong just might bring us blessings if we correct it! After all, their goal is to hurt us by pointing out our faults/flaws/shortcomings. But when we are given insight to those and we correct them, we are blessed! WE are better! And, isn’t that better payback than being an ugly person ourself?

What about the stranger? We might get a life-saving injection from a nurse we only see one time. But it can save our life or heal our infirmities! Much correction, instruction, criticism, reproof, counsel, complaints, guidance, suggestions (what I call relatives of criticism!) have come to me through books, seminars, sermons, training classes, and watching how others work and live. I have found these to be the most easily received and least painful. I receive them anonymously, and alone, so no one else gets to see my ignorance exposed or my mistakes uncovered. Sweet!

Well, this week’s time has passed quickly, so we will pick up next session if you choose to join us. I would love to hear your ideas, responses, and, YES, even criticisms. Feel free to email me at You can find my website at There is a complete complimentary copy of the Criticism Management outline, and some additional thoughts to ponder. ‘Til next time, remember, no one can control you without your permission. Grant it wisely.

By: Detri McGhee 

Certified Life Underwriter, Chartered Financial Counselor