A Year Of Possibilities

During the month of December, my husband and I are running like hamsters on wobbly wheels. Trying to manage your own business will make you do things like that. Everywhere you turn there seems to be impossibilities behind every corner. Even though it is full of hustle and bustle, we still try to take time to be together and watch Christmas movies to help us stay in a festive spirit. This year we watched a new Christmas film on Netflix, A Boy Named Christmas. It was just precious. It made me laugh, it made me cry and it left me feeling all warm inside.

One of the main characters had a line towards the end of the movie that has stuck with me over this past week. “An impossibility is just a possibility you don’t understand yet.” What a powerful statement! Over and over again in the Bible, we are reminded of this truth. When you lean on yourself for strength and understanding, all things will look impossible but when you learn to trust fully in God for all things, the possibilities of life will be amazing.

Before April of 2020, I never thought that my husband and I would be running our own successful business that would allow me to leave my corporate job. We had dreamed of being our own bosses, but we were scared and didn’t fully think it would ever happen. We prayed about it but hadn’t jumped off the ledge with full faith. God helped us see the possibility in His own special way by closing doors we had been using as crutches. He forced us to see the possible in the impossible. The number of blessings that have been poured into our laps is overflowing. Trusting God with the impossible has made our possibilities explode.

So, with 2021 coming to an end, think about the possibilities that lie ahead for 2022. Don’t focus on what you feel is impossible but pray and meditate on God’s word. Ask that God intervene in your life and help guide your decisions. He tells us all we must do is ask with faith. The Lord wants what is best for his children and will provide exactly what we need; even when we don’t know we need it. When you begin to trust in the possibility of God, you will see the blessings He has provided all throughout your life. Your path will become clear. It will not always be the easy path, but it will be worth the walk. All the things you thought were impossible will be possible as your dreams come true.

This week’s recipe is a festive Christmas bark that is loaded with yummy fruits and nuts. It will be beautiful on your Christmas table or to bring to a Christmas potluck with friends. It also makes a great, homemade gift to give to friends and neighbors. This delicious Christmas bark makes you feel as if you are eating something decadent, but it is loaded with good-for-you ingredients. I hope this one makes a debut on your Christmas buffet.

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.’” Mark 10:27

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!