A Purpose-Living Sacrifice

By: Jackie Warner

I had the honor of attending special services at one of our neighboring congregations. The messages resonated with me in so many ways. The first service was a feast on God’s Word and fellowship with other sisters in Christ. The topic we discussed was Understanding your purpose as we live day by day. The key message presented was on taking time to read our Bible to understand God’s Word.

So many times, I have heard others say, myself included, that understanding the Bible is difficult. I would agree it can be difficult, but what was shared during our service was all the options we have to support and guide us through the text. We are on our mobile devices daily, but have we downloaded a Bible app? What about using an audible option to listen to the Bible. All these options are free and readily available. Let’s think about it: To understand our purpose involves understanding the text which is God’s Word.

  1. Begin your study with prayer.
  2. Read and then listen to the Bible online.
  3. Read different versions to support you.
  4. Don’t try to read multiple chapters all at once.
  5. End your study with prayer for understanding.

I also want to share with you words of encouragement from the 2nd service I attended. I went to this service with several things heavy on my heart. I told myself before reaching the service that I was going to have to be intentional in letting God handle it. Yes, I know I am not alone when I say we give it to God and then we take it right back up as if we can handle it on our own.

The topic was on Mountain Moving Faith, it was a lesson meant for me to hear and one I want to share with you. Four areas were discussed with actions for us to take if we really want to be a living sacrifice for Christ!

  1. Faith it out! Hebrews 11:1
  2. Pray it out! Philippians 4:6
  3. Wait it out! Psalm 27:14
  4. Allow God to work it out! Romans 8:28

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

By: Jackie Warner

Career Development Facilitator
“Impact, Engage, Grow” Community Matters