As the hours of light increase in our daily, ordinary, twenty-four hours, a signal is activated in our horses’ bodies to ‘let go’ or ‘release.’ What are they letting go of? Their winter coats! Why? They no longer serve them. Their winter coat is no longer needed. A new season is being entered into and the old needs to ‘GO.’ Time to get the groom tools out and touch, touch, touch; brush, brush, brush. You might as well sing as you groom, “Let it go. Let it go.”
One of the best bonding times with the horses we love is grooming time. Grooming stimulates circulation and brings your attention to what you may need to be aware of. Here is a simple reminder of what items you and your horse will enjoy during your grooming session:
Grooming Tote
Shedding blades and blocks
Curry Comb
Body brushes (hard, stiff or dandy brush) (medium brush) (soft brush) (face brush)
Mane and tail combs/brushes
Hoof pick
Sweat Scrapper
You also may want to add to your wash rack area some coat conditioners and detanglers. Hoof oils are nice to have in stock at any given time.
Grooming CONNECTS horse and rider to help form and strengthen a relationship that can carry over to other aspects of handling and riding. Yes, grooming aids in increasing circulation and notice any changes in their coats or body weight. Do horses enjoy being groomed? YES. One of the benefits grooming brings to the horse would be physical comfort. Grooming helps remove dirt, dust, and loose hair, which can be uncomfortable for horses. Did you know that when a horse grooms your back, they see you as a friend? Horses groom each other in the wild not only because it feels good to them, but also because it is a way to show affection towards each other. Horses will nibble at each other’s withers, backs, and necks.
This is to two young ladies, known as ‘Twin Hearts’ — Do you remember back in the day eye-witnessing a horse actually licking a human? When a horse licks you it is a symbol of comfort, a sign of relaxation and contentment. During moments of relaxation and contentment, your horse may choose to express their comfort by licking you. This action indicates that they feel safe, secure, and at ease in your presence. It is a testament to the calming effect you have on them.
When a horse ‘smiles’ by half-closing its eyes, stretching out its upper lip, and pointing its ears backward, it’s a sign of happiness and contentment, often seen when they are being groomed or scratched. What about trust? Any meaningful relationship is rooted and grounded by a root of trust. How does a horse show that they trust YOU? One way is that they will willingly leave their herd. They’ll be relaxed around you, stand still as you brush them, lower their heads, lick, and chew. These are all signs that a horse trusts you.
Working or active horses benefit from daily grooming, however, only three or four times a week if the horse isn’t very active. Regular grooming sessions give you the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with your horse. Regular grooming sessions take at least twenty minutes, depending on how dirty your horse is. One more thing about grooming! It’s important to be aware that you don’t over groom your horse, especially in the winter if they are not clipped and spend a lot of time outside. Why? Over grooming can strip their coat of natural oils and reduce its water-proofing abilities.
We are on our feet, standing tall on Psalms 20:7-8 (MSG)…“See those people polishing their chariots, and those others grooming their horses?”
Enjoy the GROOM,
Your NEIGHbor