New Year – New You

By: Roy Williams

Freeing yourself from the medical establishment is closer than you think. Now you can get to the root cause of any disorder or imbalance. For over 60 years the medical establishment has driven the whole world into a dependency situation using fear and misleading advertisements to take us exactly where they want us to go. They have driven us into their extremely expensive medical concepts including radiation, chemotherapy, x-rays, CAT scans, food choices, and so many more I don’t have enough space to cover. We have reached a point where they are over medicating everyone, using way too many prescriptions, many that should never have been approved in the first place, especially vaccines.

America finally reached a turning point, which the last election has clearly shown. We the people have spoken, loud and clear, and the whole world is paying attention. We have simply had enough of the double standards. The elites never are held accountable and the thieves, rapists, and murderers are back on the streets so fast it can make one wonder who is in charge. That leaves the middle class, who are held accountable, to pay the fines and serve the sentences. The politicians lie, cheat, and steal, making themselves millionaires before leaving office, and nobody even asks how they did it or where the money came from.

Now that I have that off my chest, let’s get back to my opening statements about the sick-care system in America. Over the last 60-plus years, using a government agency called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), they have blocked or censored any recognized research surrounding natural solutions and even cures for diseases in America. It goes back to the Rockefellers and other powerful enterprises who blocked any real health solutions from ever seeing the light of day. Many of the Native Americans’ very effective remedies were destroyed.

As a result, we, the American people, have gone from being recognized as the longest lived, healthiest people on earth in the 1960s and 70s to almost dead last (no pun intended) just 50 or 60 years later. How could that happen, you may ask, when we spend more on overall healthcare than any other nation on earth, and our health insurance is increasing every year. We schedule more doctors’ appointments, are diagnosed with more disorders, have more procedures, and take more prescriptions every year than the rest of the world combined. If our health care system is so good then why are those numbers continuously going up instead of going down? Could it be that we have been deceived? Have we been sold a bill of goods? How much do we have to spend before the number of people diagnosed with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis actually begin to decrease?

We, the people, must accept the fact that the medical industrial complex and all the organizations associated with it have monopolized the entire system to make sure no cures are ever recognized and that prevention will not even be discussed. They are so corrupt that anyone or anything that even tries to stop disease will be met with lawsuits, slander, and character assassination. They have and will spend millions to strangle the message about anything that offers a better, safer, and more effective plan. The Bible teaches us that, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” Their money is more important than life itself, especially the lives of those who actually believe they are the only ones with the answers.

Now, let’s talk about the new year. Let’s plan to thrive in 2025. Even though they will probably never acknowledge it, God designed the human body to heal and it not only can, it will when it is provided with the raw building materials that are necessary for the healing process to engage. Please remember, not one cell in the human body is dependent on synthetic drugs to heal. Healing happens naturally when we put the proper nutrients into our system, not drugs. Thousands of us are living proof that it’s exactly what can happen. Starting with my wife and me. We made a decision many years ago that we were not going to use the modern-day medical system unless absolutely necessary.

The results have been nothing less than profound. We have been married for almost 45 years and only had health insurance for short periods of time when it was provided by our employer. Even then, we never went to the doctors, never took prescription drugs, and have never been sick, with the exception of a flu or cold on rare occasions. Other than going to a walk-in clinic to get an antibiotic for an abscessed tooth, a hernia surgery, and eye surgery, we have been able to avoid the medical industrial complex altogether. It has saved us literally tens of thousands of dollars.

What we have done, though, is make sure we have covered all the bases when it comes to proper nutrition. We also made a decision to stay in fairly good physical condition, and most important of all, we have put God first in our lives. To learn more, go by Herbs & More in Athens, NHC Herb Shop in Killen, online at or call us at 256-757-5660.

Your friend in health,

Roy P. Williams