Publisher’s Point: #Athens Strong

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner

On Wednesday, January 8, 2025, there was a prayer gathering, a time of music, laughter, and food held in the Launch Box to seek God, celebrate His goodness, and come together as a community to determine the needs of those who had been affected by the EF-1 storm on December 28. It was held just before the snow came and covered us with that unique blanket of beauty that makes everything clean, quiet, almost hushed.

The gathering had been sponsored by several entities and was simply called #AthensStrong. It was a joy from start to finish, and the overriding theme was deep gratitude for having the honor and privilege of being Athenians. The Malone family sang, and I had to fight back tears. Testimonies ensued, and the ones I found the most poignant were those of people like me who had come to Athens from other areas. I have said more than once that I think that often the people who came here as transplants and weren’t born and raised here sometimes love the place more. I know that I certainly do. I have lived here for 25 years this summer, and just when I think I can’t love “us” any more deeply, something like this gathering happens and I am a “goner” once again.

John David Crowe led us in acoustical worship at the end, and what struck me was how comfortable everyone was with what I like to call God’s unscripted diversity. Different denominations, different colors, different ages, different worship and musical styles, different prayer styles, and all of it bathed in love.

There were government officials, members of law enforcement, business leaders, ministers, and just regular folk. Here is how Jerome Malone, owner of Splash of Ink and pastor of Oasis: Christ’s Church said it:

As our Athens-Limestone community continues to grow, it is important that we never forget the things that make our city an amazing place to live, work, and play. Every now and then God will send us a reminder of what lies at the heart and soul of this special place. We are #AthensStrong simply because of our love for God and our love for people.

I am thankful that we live in a community where our community leaders can come together to acknowledge God for his protection from the storm and the providence of God as we come together to rebuild. I want to send a special thanks to Mayor Ronnie Marks and Chairman Collin Daly for your leadership and guidance. Thanks to Athens Main Street, Tere Richardson, Michelle Williamson, Shane Black, Pammie Jimmar and the Chamber of Commerce, Ashley Klinger Bell (First Priority), Sheriff Joshua McLaughlin, Kimberly Dunnavant and The LaunchBox at Athens State University, Blake Williams and Bethany Shockney with LCEDA, pastors John W. Jude, Bill Perkins, John David Crowe, Stephen Tanner-Country Financial, Oasis: and Cross Point Church of Christ and the Athens community for your support and contribution to this effort.

What is the effort? Custom Tees made by Splash of Ink and the proceeds go to a fund that has been put together to assist those who were impacted by storm. For more information on how you can help visit the City of Athens Facebook page and be a strong part of a community that is stronger because of a storm. We are indeed bound by love, and in 2025, we’re just getting started.