Winter Is Here!

By: Joel Allen

Hello, folks! Happy New Year! I have a question for everyone. I wonder: How many people are ever prepared for severe weather when it comes to our “fur babies”? I see it all the time on the news where families leave their dogs during a hurricane or extreme weather. How many of us are prepared or have prepared our fur babies for winter? It disgusts me how many people leave their fur babies outside in the cold and never even think about how cold they get. I know, I know, “Dogs have fur. They can stay warm.” Well, if anyone thinks that way strip on down to your “skivvies” as we say in the Army and march your tail outside. If it is too cold for anyone who takes my challenge, then it’s too cold for those fur babies!” Unless your dog likes the cold, and there are breeds that do, then they need to be brought in on extreme cold days and nights.

I see dogs tied or chained outside during the winter and most people say things like, “They have a doghouse,” or “It’s just a dog,” and blah blah blah. You’ve all heard me say, “What’s the maximum effective range of an excuse?” — “ZERO!” I have done a lot of push-ups for that saying! No, there is no excuse anyone can give that would justify letting a dog freeze outside.

So, let us talk alternatives for our fur babies. Let’s say a doghouse is provided and your area has severe cold weather. Is the doghouse insulated or did you buy one of those igloo doghouses believing the sales person when they told you that since it is shaped like an “Eskimo igloo,” it should keep your dog warm? SMH(Shaking My Head). Here are some suggestions for that mistake:

-Place a good bed of straw down, at least an inch, but more if the weather is going to be freezing.

-Hang a blanket on the walls, internally; staple one to the roof above too. This will hold the heat in.

-Install a door flap that will help hold the heat in.

-This is optional, but I would think about an electric blanket, if your dog can be trusted not to chew it up and get electrocuted. If that happens, their name should be changed to Sparky…LOL.

If the family objects to a dog being brought in out of the cold, then maybe it would be good for the dog to be rehomed. There is nothing worse than a person who neglects their dog just because it cramps their way of life. They were given to us by God, in my opinion, and we should be thankful for the love they give to us. Back to not wanting to let them inside to stay warm; bring them into your kitchen area if anywhere. Keep them babies warm! Get some old blankets and let them curl up in them. The blankets can be washed, so stop whining.

Another rule to consider, depending on the cold, use the 5-to-15 minute rule. Let them go outside to do their business for no less than 5 minutes and no more than 15 minutes because they can get hypothermia too.

A luxury I give mine sometimes is run a dog blanket in the dryer while they are outside and use it to warm them when they return in from outside. Nothing more satisfying than watching my fur babies curl up on their warmed-up blankets on their bedding. They will almost immediately sigh and fall asleep.

I have booties for my dogs too. If y’all want a good laugh, get your cameras out for the first time they wear their booties and watch their reactions. It will be worth the investment too. They can wear them everywhere and during any of the seasons too. Works great on icy ground or hot pavement too.

Do I give them long sleeves to wear during the cold? I keep sweatshirts and long sleeves on hand for my fur babies. A lot of people laugh when they see my babies wearing them, but it keeps them warm.

To everyone else who has a service dog, always carry a good thick blanket for indoors when visiting restaurants or other places with cold floors during the winter. Always keep their booties and any extras you might need on hand.

If you plan on taking your fur babies into town in winter and leaving them in the car, and if you can leave the vehicle running without risk of your vehicle being stolen, then leave the heater on and one window open. Why? Because anything can go wrong and “Murphy” loves a complacent person.

Now we have covered some ideas for winter warming and keeping our fur babies safe. I hope this article has been somewhat helpful. Until next month…