Points To Ponder Heading Toward 2025

By: Jackie Warner

This week, I just celebrated another birthday, and I am more than thankful to see another trip around the sun! Thanking God for his grace and mercy!

This year has flown by…I used to hear my elders say time waits for no one, and just like that, we, are moving toward a new year! When I take a look back ten months ago as we started 2024, there was a lot that carried us to this point — celebrations, goodness, disasters, unfortunate happenings, unknowns, and the list continues.

I challenge all of us to stay woke, and if you are not awake, it is time to really wake up and open our minds, taking a closer look at what is important for our future and for those who will come after us. Don’t get caught up in distractions, but lean into what is real. What will be the legacy we design and leave? It is about ensuring and transforming for the better.

Will we repeat or engage in conversations and actions that chart a new path that supports the greater good? Philippians 1:6 — Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

As we prepare for 2025, what are some areas to consider?

1. Sharpen your mind. Read more…do not depend on social media, Facebook, or your friends

for your knowledge — read and study to learn for yourself. Exercise your brain!

2. Monitor your spending. Save more and do what is required to understand what you are actually paying for. “Can’t believe we are now paying $4.00 per gallon for orange juice.”

3. Focus on your spiritual and physical wellness; not everything can or should be cured by a prescription from the doctor or a post from Instagram or TikTok.

4. Stop talking and start observing what is around you. Understand the real issues we as a country and world are facing, and then understand what it means for you…for the future

5. Lean not to your own understanding; seek HIM! Proverbs 3:5-6 — Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

By: Jackie Warner

Career Development Facilitator
“Impact, Engage, Grow” Community Matters