Picking Out A Dress For My Brother’s Funeral

I have been wrestling with how to tell you all that my baby brother passed away from this life at the end of July. I feel as if I owe it to you guys. I tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly of my life because in all honesty, it is my therapy. I feel that you don’t pass judgment, you just read my words and become part of my life.

I am the oldest of four children. My brother, John Richard, was the youngest. My mom gave us all very Southern, double names. I’m Anna Lynn, my sister is Mary Ellen, my brother is Anthony Alexander, and my baby brother is John Richard. We were the bookends of the family. Even though we were 6 years apart, we were extremely close. Every part of my life growing up is a memory of my siblings and I playing together. All four of us had each other’s backs and had an unspoken pact of unity. When John died at the end of July, my world stopped.

I had the privilege of knowing him for just shy of 38 years, so let me tell you a little bit about his life. John Richard Lindley was born on October 13, 1986, in Tupelo, MS, to Anthony Lindley and Rhonda Duncan Lindley. He attended Hamilton High School and graduated as a LPN from Bevill State Community College. John Richard worked with Northwest Alabama Mental Health Center and loved his patients dearly.

He was a member of the Kingsville Church of Christ. John Richard used every opportunity he had to spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

John Richard loved his family and friends dearly and always looked forward to spending time with them. He loved his beloved pets, but especially his dog, Chops. John Richard’s joyful spirit, tender heart, and bright smile will always be cherished and greatly missed by all who loved and knew him.

When John received the news, 13 years ago, that he had a rare autoimmune disease, his faith did not waver. Instead of complaining and asking why he would have to suffer, he turned his sadness into joy. You see, John Richard never once worried or was scared of what he knew he was about to face with his illness. He would frequently quote 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” John boldly said, “Why not me? I am ready to suffer for the glory of Christ.” His unwavering faith and strength gave all those around him the courage to keep our eyes focused on the promise of heaven. John decided to listen when God whispered his name.

John knew that there was more of his song to sing. John took his passion for good food, good fun, and the Lord and developed a YouTube channel called Head to Tail BBQ & Cooking. John took his love of cooking and used that to help bring others joy and laughter. He also knew that once people where happy and fed, it would open a door for him to spread the Gospel. At the time of John’s death, he had almost 3000 subscribers to his channel and his videos had over 820,000 views!

John used the past 13 years of his life to plant the seeds of the Kingdom, and I know that God will reap a great harvest from all of John’s faithful work. It has truly been an honor to be his big sister. I know God’s timing is perfect, even when it seems like things are falling apart. My favorite book of the Bible is 2 Corinthians Chapter 4. The entire chapter focuses on how temporary this life truly is. The last 3 verses (16, 17, and 18) are my favorite and what I lean on during times like these. “16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our

light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

My heart is completely broken, but I am trying to learn to live in this new world without my brother. We spoke every day, multiple times a day. His apartment was only 5 minutes from my house. We went to church together every Sunday. I don’t know that the hole left from him passing will ever be filled, but I owe it to him to keep going. To keep spreading to good news of the Gospel of Christ. To remain positive and my faith strong and unwavering. I owe so much to him, so much that I will never be able to repay him.

On October 13, John would have turned 38. I am not sure yet how I am going to survive that day, but I know somehow, I will. The grief and pain seem overwhelming at times; my body hurts from grief and is exhausted by rest that will not come. Everyone tells me that it will get better, but at this point I am only holding on to hope that it will.

I encourage you to go to John’s YouTube page and watch his videos. I promise you will laugh, be uplifted, and will learn an amazing recipe. John Richard was an amazing cook, and I had the privilege to get to eat his cooking. I am going to feature one of his recipes in this article today; it just seems fitting.

Please, please add my family to your prayer list. We could use them for sure. Pray for peace, comfort, and for hope. We know that we will get to see John again one day in heaven, but this earthly life is hard without him.

Thank you for letting me pour my heart out to you, my most cherished friends. I hope that you will hold your loved ones a little tighter and thank God for the family you have here on this earth. I truly had the best brother and friend in this world, and I will miss him forever.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4