We Are A Sick Nation

By: Roy Williams

In the 1980s, America was recognized worldwide as the healthiest industrialized nation on earth. There was almost no obesity, type II diabetes was affecting only a fraction of the population, and no one even knew what an autoimmune disease was. So, let’s take a look at the baseline condition of America’s public health today.

Obesity: 74% of American adults are overweight or obese. Close to 50% of our children are overweight or obese. Over 70% of young adults are not qualified to be in our military due to weight issues. A full 50% of American adults now have type II diabetes or are pre-diabetic and 30% of our teens now have pre-diabetes. To help you understand those numbers better, in 1950 only 1% of Americans had type II diabetes. This is a condition affecting our children that no pediatrician in the 1950s would have had to deal with.

Now 18% of our teens have fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease was only diagnosed in late-stage alcoholics until the 1990s when it started to spread to all age groups, even those who had never used alcohol. Please realize that fatty liver is now the number one disease killer around the world and is caused by eating excessive amounts of addicting sugar of which high fructose corn syrup is the most consumed form of sugar in the world. Young adult cancers are up 79% and this is the first year in American history that cancer has passed two million cases. Slightly over 25% of women are on antidepressant medications. Another scary fact is that over 40% of young adults have mental health conditions.

Autism rates are 1 in 36 nationally, which was one in 1500 before the year 2000. Remember the screening has not changed and the definition has not changed. All this and so much more has been caused by the foods we are eating. Our food supply, lacking over 60% of the nutrients necessary for good health, is causing a metabolic breakdown at a cellular level. It’s called a metabolic dysfunction, a relatively new disorder driven by our toxic food system and our toxic environment. The food industry working in conjunction with the pharmaceutical industry has been developing this slow progressive plan using addictive and toxic chemicals that are FDA approved to be added to our foods beginning with the seeds they plant, the insecticides they spray on the plants we eat, and the toxins used to preserve our food supplies.

Yes, this is all happening, largely due to our food supply or the food complex that is tied directly to the sick care system. What better way to support the sick care system than to poison our food supply and make our citizens eternally sick? It all stems back to the invention of processed foods that destroy the body at a cellular level, a highly complex destructive system of addicting the citizens with great tasting, addictive, and toxic foods that lead to chronic disease. They are destroying the human body from within.

Their plan has worked making the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry some of the richest in the world. Today most people over 50 years of age are taking more than four prescribed drugs daily. America receives more prescriptions annually than all other nations combined, and it is not by accident that this happening. Our society believed and trusted the governmental organizations that were originally set up to protect the public from dangerous foods and drugs that did more harm than good.

The truth is finally coming out, and people all over this country and around the world are waking up. It is time to fight back. Now that we know that our food supply lacks over 50% of the nutrients that will help

us avoid deficiency disease, which is 89% of the disorders being treated by the medical establishment, we can fight back. All we as a society have to do is decide that we will cut back on all types of sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, stop all soft drinks, and supplement our diets with some really high-quality nutrients such as Ultimate Fruit & Veggie which, when taken as suggested, will provide each person with the same as 5 servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day.

Ultimate Fruit & Veggie is an exclusive product by NEWtritional Health Care made from only fresh picked fruits and vegetables, grown in totally clean soils using no fertilizers, chemicals, or pesticides. There is simply no other product on the market that delivers what this product delivers for the money. Check it out at NHC Herb Shop in Killen, Herbs & More in Athens or go online at www.nhcherbs.com to order. Now you can fight back naturally.

Your friend in health,

Roy P. Williams