Women’s Resource Center To Host The “Pro-Life Doc” On September 12

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner

Since November of 1987, the Women’s Resource Center of Athens has worked tirelessly to provide life-affirming choices and support for families facing a crisis pregnancy. Each year they have a fundraising banquet to make it possible to protect the lives of as many women and preborn babies as they can, and this year the WRC is pleased to announce that their honored guest and keynote speaker will be Dr. William Lile, also known as the “ProLife Doc.”

On Thursday, September 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Alabama Veterans Museum, a marvelous and memorable gathering will take place whose purpose is to celebrate life, and to remind people, as Dr. Lile says so often, that “a patient is a person, no matter how small.” The theme this year is “Abundant Life,” and the Scripture for this year is John 10:10, “I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”

The Women’s Resource Center’s 2024 goal is to raise $60,000 for operational expenses that include extending their hours of service, having an evening where the center is open for those whose work schedule makes it impossible to come during the day, and expanding their educational focus for young parents to increase their success in parenting skills.

The following is a brief bio of Dr. Lile, and the Women’s Resource Center is hoping you will reserve your spot soon to come hear him speak. He is considered a powerful motivational speaker, and we are blessed to have him as a guest in our fair town.

In 1999, Dr. William Lile, the “ProLife Doc,” took over a practice that was the largest provider of abortion services in Pensacola, Florida. On day one, he stopped any and all abortion services and abortion referrals. The clinic’s former abortionist retired and left the country. Today, Dr. Lile uses that clinic’s abortion equipment to demonstrate the brutality of abortions performed in all three trimesters, while the tools of modern obstetrics have become instruments for his pro-life ministry! That’s because Dr. Lile believes that the life and personhood of the preborn can only be understood through love and empowered education.

Dr. Lile is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and is the former OB/GYN Department Chair at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, FL. He is licensed to practice medicine in both Florida and Alabama and has served as an instructor with both The University of Florida and Florida State Medical School OB/GYN residency programs.

The ProLife Doc is passionate about providing quality healthcare to all of his patients – inside and outside of the womb. Abortion is never the right ‘choice,’ but Dr. Lile’s message, though borrowed from Jesus Christ, is a clear one – forgiveness is available to all through His blood. (Ephesians Chapter 1)

Dr. Lile also has experience in saving the lives of babies whose mothers took the “abortion pill,” and now regret it. They now want to save the life of their baby if at all possible, and often it is. He says that in 70% percent of cases where the first abortion pill is taken, if an emergency introduction of progesterone occurs within 72 hours, the life of the baby can be saved. So far, Dr. Lile has successfully reversed over 1,000 abortions. In addition, he delivered more than 4,000 babies. Dr. Lile lectures all over the country and has developed curriculum to help educate those in pro-life ministries to be more successful in their endeavors.

Dr. Lile is adamant that the preborn have medical rights, and skillfully poses this thought-provoking question: If heart surgery can be performed on the preborn, if spina bifida can be corrected, and other medical procedures can save the lives of the tiniest and most vulnerable of patients, does that not indeed prove that they are persons?

His presentation is sure to strengthen those who believe that the life of the mother and her preborn baby must be protected, and equip them for success in that ministry. He draws from the arenas of medicine, philosophy, history, theology and life experience, and Athens is blessed to have him come and teach us.

This event is free to attend, thanks to the following sponsors:

– Passionate Penny Pinchers

– Kerwin Edelman Electric LLC

– Matthew’s Law

– Bank Independent

– Tradebank

– Journey Church

– Lindsay Lane Baptist Church

– Ken and Lisa Philippart

– Samuel Trotter

– Imprinting by Abigail

-Danny and Mary Kay Crawford

-Capshaw Baptist Church

-Ulises and Becky Somarriba

The meal will be catered by Phil Sandoval’s, and reservations are required. To RSVP and secure your seat, please go to give.ministrylinq.com/App/Form/ea4b4bc6-f6ba-494e-8343-5095ac110951.

The Women’s Resource Center hopes you will join them for a delicious meal and an unforgettable evening of inspiration.

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner