I’m beginning to see it – the signs of spring, and I am definitely welcoming the changes this season brings. All that appeared dead is revealing signs of life once again. I get excited seeing the new plants arriving at the local nurseries, and I begin to envision a gorgeous lawn with flowers and shrubs, ready for a debut in Southern Living Magazine. Well, I’m definitely dreaming as I do not have a green thumb; sadly, more of my plants die than live, or at least end up a huge disappointment. But I still dream.
And then there’s the spring cleaning that comes with this time of year. Dust bunnies are removed, comforters and bed linens are all given a good washing, even the closet gets a good purge as we transition from the winter apparel to the spring and summer fashions. Now, this I can do well — cleaning, removing the old, and bringing in the fresh and new. However, maybe there is a more important form of spring cleaning that we may be missing. We focus so much on the changes this season brings, we buy the plants, deep clean the house and the car, get excited and maybe even frantic over a new wardrobe, but we never look at what might really need a change and that’s our hearts and attitudes. What if we did as David when he asked God to search his heart and to point out anything that offends Him? Now that’s a “spring” cleaning on a whole new level, a very important one.
What if we took some time to think on what God would love to do in our lives? Maybe He would like to clean out the cobwebs of negativity that have become the normal response. What if He was allowed to purge the old attitudes giving us a new mindset, a more positive, grateful way of thinking? Then to let Jesus perform a good heart cleansing of the hatred towards others and become more humble and forgiving, less bitter. What if we could rid ourselves of the habits that have no positive effect on our lives, replace them with actions that would have a life-giving benefit? Life giving words would flow from our mouth instead of words that cause pain. Then we dust off our Bible, vacuum up the influences of the world, and involve Jesus in our everyday life. How much better would we be?
Christian artists, King and Country, released a song in 2023 entitled “What Are We Waiting For?” I feel the lyrics are so timely. They speak of our days, like running a race, a blur trying to keep pace. I believe so many of us feel that is our lives today. Yet we can’t move because we are in our own way. What if we allowed Jesus to direct our days? What if we could surrender to the heart cleansing that I’m sure all of us could use to some degree, and become the light that no one could ignore? The clock is ticking and no one is making more time. Now is the moment to take a deep look into our hearts, check our attitudes, our words, even our body language. What do people think when they see you, or me, coming down the street? What do we want to be remembered for? We only have so much time on this earth, only a small window to make a big impact. So, what are we waiting for?
Tomorrow my husband and I will make a trip to the nursery in hopes of finding those plants that can live despite what I do or don’t do to them. I’m looking at the new spring fashions and the thought of a clean house thrills me! However, this year, I’m wanting God to do the spring cleaning in my heart and mind that I know is much needed. I want the new opportunities. I want to accomplish more for Him and less for me. I need to sacrifice my wants, take a long hard look at what I feel is important, and check where I invest or possibly waste so much valuable time. What am I REALLY doing with the life that has been given me? This song spoke to me, got me to thinking, as we say. And I’m so thankful for the thought-provoking message. Here are just a few of the lyrics that I wanted to share with you. We can take what we have left
of our lives and start anew. We can finish this race well if we are willing to let God direct us, teach us, and if we love others more than we do ourselves. Give this some thought – what if we begin this season and ….
Put the pen on a new page Dream about what we could change And live it out before it’s too late
The beauty of it is We’ve just one life to live And no one knows what happens next.
If I love better And you love better Our love will live on forever.
Why are we wasting all the time like someone’s making more?
What could be better in our personal lives if we did the cleaning of our hearts and minds? What a great difference it could make. What are we waiting for?
By: Donna Clark