The POWER Of JOY, Part II Happiness “Happens”: Joy Abides

By: Detri L. McGhee

Happiness depends upon a “happening,” an event, a word, or deed. Joy exists because it simply “IS.” The kind of JOY that I am speaking of cannot be manufactured or manipulated. And it cannot be imitated or even faked for very long.

Happiness is easily replaced by another “happening.” Happiness can be destroyed quickly — by a skinned knee, or a cross word from another, or even a hot door handle on these scorching Southern summer days. Joy cannot be destroyed, and it will not even be dampened for very long. True JOY has self-healing properties that enable it to heal from within very quickly.

The power of JOY cannot be overstated. Pure, simple, delightful JOY turns an ordinary, everyday man or woman into a powerhouse of ability and a vessel able to carry positive influence into the far reaches of their world.

The JOY I am speaking of comes from deep within and does not depend upon circumstances, comfort, or the actions/reactions of others. True JOY cannot be taken from the owner. Abiding JOY can be present when there is much pain, disappointment, sorrow – even measures of fear and trepidation. Real JOY can be misunderstood by those who do not possess it. They may say we are not “realistic,” or we live in a fantasy world, unwilling to face the “real” world.

So, what exactly is this kind of “JOY” that I am speaking of? This beautiful thing called JOY exists deep within the soul of a person and cannot be touched by any outward or foreign person, place, or thing. True JOY comes from knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that when all is said and done, it will all be okay. Peace surrounds Joy, even when the world around us is chaotic. Fear trembles in the face of True Joy. After all, FEAR is F-E-A-R, and stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. At least, fear CAN be that…But only as you come to understand what the future really holds for you, and you know it is all eventually good.

I miss my momma! And her wisdom. Once when I was upset about something, she calmed me and then asked: “A hundred years from now, what difference will it make? If the answer is “Nothing!” then deal

with it and move on. If there is another answer, then this is really worth doing whatever it takes to set it right.”

WOW! That wisdom has meant a lot to me through the years. So, especially when problems persist, or hurts happen, or sadness strikes, or disappointments develop, or exhaustion exists… that is the time to ask: How important really IS this thing I am consumed with right now? I mean, compared to eternity, does it really matter? Wouldn’t it be to my advantage to react to this problem in the most beneficial way possible? Couldn’t I handle this issue better if I thought through it and considered my options with a calm, clear mind, instead of a frazzled, rushed response? In the midst of this confusion, chaos, pain, fatigue or whatever is distracting me, demanding my time and energy right now, where is my JOY? Where is my Anchor? Where is my Peace in the midst of the storm?

I cannot tell you where yours is. I cannot define your Source of Joy! But I can share with you that in all my (many!) years, I have never known but One Source of Joy that has never abandoned or deserted me or all I have personally known — Only One Abiding Person Who has never let me down, lied to me, or brought me harm. That One Powerful Joy-filled and Joy-empowering Person is Jesus Christ, the Son of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Now, you don’t have to be a “believer” to benefit some from what the world calls JOY! If you choose another path, there is no one who can prevent that! God Himself gives each person the right to choose for themselves whether to submit to and acknowledge God and accept His gift of eternal life. What God has given to you, NO ONE can take from you. You can always choose. (But, CAUTION: You cannot choose the consequences.)

Everyone alive, believer or not, can benefit from happiness, and the secular kind of joy that many have. That kind of pleasure – joy – is still deeper than happiness. It grows with gratitude, thankfulness, kindness, practicing peace, forgiving. But it doesn’t ABIDE forever.

I didn’t start out with this column this week to talk about my Faith. I started out encouraging positivity. Choosing to be grateful, kind, pleasant, uplifting, and more – simply because it is GOOD FOR YOU AND ME to do that. It brings us good results, and brightens our day. But, I had to share as I did this week because I realized, that for ME, there is no Peace, Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, and Self-Control except because I belong to Jesus Christ. My desire for each of you is that you find that power and peace and JOY for yourself. Be blessed, dear friends!

Detri would love to hear from you! Especially your thoughts on how to handle criticism, or problems you would like to get feedback on from others. Email: or Facebook: Criticism Management by Detri. Free outline for Criticism Management available at

By: Detri McGhee – CLU, ChFC