All prescription drugs come with risks. That’s why I tell everyone on my radio shows, in my articles, and in our stores that the definition of prescription is: permission to poison. Put enough poison in your body over a long enough period of time and you will suffer the consequences. The Brown Institute writes, “There is no perfect medicine. The benefits and harms of any treatment must be carefully considered in order to prescribe the safest, most effective course of action for a patient.” And there lies the problem. We depend on our medical professionals to have our best interest in mind and not their personal gain for writing the prescription in the first place.
We work with thousands of customers each year at Herbs & More in Athens and NHC Herb Shop in Killen. Most of our customers have become sick and tired of being prescribed a medication just to have to be put on another one to fight the side effects caused by the first one. At some point most of them come to us asking if we can help them come off their medications. We always let them know that they must work with their doctor before coming off their meds; however, based on their diagnoses, we can point them to the all-natural supplements that can support their health naturally. What is often surprising is that most of them can eventually become drug free using the right nutritional support, and it almost always cost less.
There are no perfect medicines. All prescribed drugs come with a list of possible side effects ranging from skin rash, ulcers, increased blood pressure, and in some cases, death. We always recommend that our customers go online to the Physicians’ Desk Reference and do a search using the name of the drug and read the possible side effects. Over half of them get back to us saying that the side effects are worse than the symptoms of the disorder the drug would treat. If I may, I suggest that you should possibly avoid any drug with side effects that include a possibility of death. Of course, each individual must make a personal decision for themselves.
Even though there are no perfect medicines, there are many totally safe supplements that can do extremely impressive things in the human body without any fear of causing side effects and cost so little that I believe everyone should consider taking them. The one I’m going to focus on today is a perfect example. It may come as a surprise that over 80% of adult Americans are magnesium deficient. Let me give you some facts that may help you figure out if you are deficient and at the same time give you the benefits of magnesium. To begin with, a Myocarditis Alert was released on February 14 concerning significant health disasters in progress as a direct result of the medical madness of mRNA injections. It stated that somewhere between 20 and 100 percent of COVID-19 vaccinated patients have some level of heart damage, or what is considered subclinical myocarditis.
Everyone should know that magnesium is THE treatment for myocarditis, not saying that is a cure but is a supplementation that can mitigate some of the damages. It is the perfect treatment because magnesium-deficient patients have the highest chance of dying from myocarditis. Over fifty percent of clinical myocarditis patients die within five years. Please remember that those with normal-to-high levels of magnesium have the lowest chance of dying. Magnesium is a very inexpensive way to stack the cards in your favor without side effects.
There are even more reasons to support your health with adequate magnesium, which has the potential to prevent a cascade of chronic diseases. Because magnesium is essential for healthy control of blood vessel function, blood pressure regulation, and regular heart contractions, a deficiency in magnesium increases the risks of endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, and sudden death from cardiac arrest. Magnesium intake is also inversely associated with coronary artery calcifications or atherosclerosis. Magnesium deficiencies complicate any problem with the calcification of any body part because calcium is toxic in the face of such deficiencies. Calcium should never be taken without magnesium.
A significant cause of arterial stiffness in CKD patients is the development of vascular calcifications, which magnesium can slow down or even prevent in many cases. Magnesium is involved in more than 600 different functions including cell membrane stability; mitochondrial function; maintenance of the tertiary structure of DNA and RNA; many major metabolic and signaling pathways; protein, lipid, and carbohydrate synthesis and metabolism; insulin/glucose metabolism; nervous and immune system function; heart function; muscle formation and contraction; bone and calcium metabolism; and activation of the nutrients thiamine, vitamin C, vitamin D and iodide.
The best form of magnesium ever formulated is a part of the NEWtritional Health Care product line. It has been clinically tested to be absorbed over 95% at a cellular level, making it the first choice even in the medical profession for many years. Great news. No prescription is necessary to purchase magnesium chloride because it has no toxicity and does not interfere with any medications. Best news, you can get 100, 520 milligram tablets, a 100 day supply for most people, for under $30.00. Go by Herbs & More in Athens, NHC Herb Shop in Killen, our website at or call us at 256-233-0073.
Your friend in health,
Roy P. Williams