Noise Cancelling Earbuds, Where Are You?

By: Jackie Warner

Silence, please! Life is noisy! I am constantly finding it hard to hear and receive the voice of the Good Shepherd. I am sure many of you can attest. Let’s take time to think about the noises we need to silence in our life that keep us from hearing and obeying the Almighty.

One of the loudest and most common distractions hindering us is “busyness.” Our calendars are full and some way, somehow, we continue to find room for more. All the busyness — the prime noise of life — keeps us from our faithfulness and most critically, an intentional ongoing relationship with God.

John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” It is hard to hear and understand what the Shepherd expects of us when His Word is drowned by the noises in our life: social media, people, worldly expectations, sin, jobs, internet, TV, more stuff, money…I am sure I left off several, but you can fill in the ones I missed…you know the ones you have.

A retreat is required from the everyday intentional noises of this life. It is essential to finding the way to God and for some of us, our way back. Psalms 119:114 — “You’re my place of quiet retreat; I wait for your Word to renew me.”

Psalm 23:2 says, “He leads me beside quiet waters.” Are you allowing God to lead you into a quiet place?

By: Jackie Warner, Community Outreach Specialist 


Until Next Time, Be Sincere, Kind and Intentional
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