Lara The Lovely

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner

At the risk of sounding star-struck, I’d like to make this Point all about Lara Yunaska Trump, a truly remarkable young woman that I never expected to be physically near ever, let alone twice. The first time was in 2018, at a Trump Rally held in Nashville. She was “great with child,” (as the Bible would say,) with her daughter Carolina, and as she spoke, I felt like I was hearing from the “girl next door” who also had a brilliant mind, a delightful sense of humor, and a genuinely sweet heart. She also happens to be stunningly beautiful, but that’s beside the point.

A week ago, I had the true privilege of hearing her speak in Montgomery on the behalf of her father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, former president of the United States of America. You might be aware that he is running again for that position, and to say that he has put his life on the line to do so would be an understatement.

With regard to her father-in-law, she spoke with genuine affection, respect, humor, and even an attempt to impersonate his voice. The impersonation would not win her any awards or a stage on Comedy Central, but she made it very clear that she loves the man. Lara credited him with helping her navigate what must be the surreal waters of becoming a member of one of the most famous families on the planet. At this fundraising dinner she made it very clear that never in her wildest imagination did she ever think her last name would be Trump.

I know that there is a common analogy in American English that if a horse throws you, you get back on, and in Lara’s case, that is what happened to her three weeks before her wedding to Eric Trump in November of 2014. This was before the now iconic descent of her father-in-law down the golden escalator, his presidency, and all the aftermath of the 2020 election. Lara, who is an accomplished equestrian, got thrown and broke both of her wrists. For the wedding ceremony, she temporarily took off the soft casts from both her wrists, and then for the reception changed gowns, put the casts back on, and they were under some long fingerless gloves. You honestly could not tell that she was in pain, and to me, that was a fitting symbol for what she described as yet another surreal moment; the FIRST time someone tried to kill her father-in-law.

In July, Lara had the TV on so she, Eric, Luke, and Carolina could watch “Grandpa” speak at a rally in Pennsylvania. Lara was making dinner, and had a carrot in one hand and a carrot peeler in another. As the shots were fired, she quickly distracted the kids and got them away from the TV. For obvious reasons, Lara absolutely did not want her children to potentially watch their grandfather die on national television. For the next hour she and her family tried to process what had just happened, and she told us with a lop-sided grin about the fact that she would never forget that moment, not the least of which was because she looked down an hour later and noticed that she still had the carrot and the carrot peeler in her hand!

She then, with her trademark grace, humor, and affection, issued a call to action to those in the room to do everything in their power in the next few weeks to return her father-in-law to the White House. Mind you, this was just two days before a SECOND attempt was made on the man’s life! I have a feeling, though, carrot, carrot peeler, or no, her resolve to fight for the country she clearly loves so deeply probably just skyrocketed. She may have been “thrown” once again, but I have no doubt she’ll get back on that horse and ride well into an uncertain future. Irrespective of anyone’s political position, this woman is a keeper, and I am glad she is in the fray with and for her family…and us. God bless Lara Trump.