It Had To Be This Way

By: Roy Williams

Why didn’t Trump force a count to prove that he got more votes than Biden? Today I will explain why “it had to be this way.” Our freedoms are, and have been for some time now, under attack by the deep state. The deep state is a group of elites, evil, immoral people whose goal is and has been to destroy life as we know it in America.

All the information is finally coming out about the 2020 election showing that the outcome was a complete fraud. The election was manipulated to fool the American public into believing that Biden actually received more votes than Trump did. The evidence is overwhelming to the contrary. Millions of fake ballots were manufactured, counting was stopped and postponed for hours giving them time to cheat. Voting machines tampered with to show Biden votes, when in reality they weren’t. News media groups reporting false information.

So, that brings us to the question, why didn’t Trump fight to stop the elections and demand a recount? Believe me when I tell you this. Trump did not prove the elections were rigged because he had to prove to the American public just how corrupt the entire political system has become. As an example, imagine that you have been educated by a very large and prestigious school. You have your diploma and it has helped you land a very impressive job with a reputable company. One day someone tells you about some of the egregious things that goes on at that college.

Of course, your first response is you find it hard to believe what they were telling you. A few months go by and they continue to show you more and more proof that the college was definitely involved in things that were against everything you stand for. You still cannot find it within yourself to believe what you are hearing. Finally, they begin to bring you proof that’s easy to see and slowly you begin to understand. The pieces of the puzzle begin to come together. Then another source begins to report about the illegal and immoral activities going on at the university showing absolute proof of their involvement.

Even though it was extremely hard to accept, over time and an onslaught of information you begin to accept the undeniable truth. It hurts your feelings; you are a little embarrassed how gullible you were but you finally accept the facts. You stop all your support for the college and the people running it.

Trump understood that if he had simply claimed what our nation’s leaders were doing without proof and enough time for it to be accepted by the public, nothing would change. If, at the time of the election he had forced a lawsuit and told what was actually going on, most Americans would not have accepted it. He also understood that if over the first three years the Biden administration was in charge, they could slowly leak the truth, show examples and finally expose the proof, that the public would accept it. That is exactly what he and the patriots have done.

Sometimes, getting in people’s faces and yelling at the top of your lungs, even though it is the truth, they simply aren’t ready to accept it. He realized that it had to be gradual exposure for the public to understand exactly what was going on behind the scenes. He knew that with enough time and exposure the truth would surface and the public opinion would change. And that is exactly what has and is happening. The Bible says, “Let those that have ears to hear and eyes to see know the truth.” The true meaning of that statement is that, until our eyes are ready to see and our ears are ready to hear, the truth will not be accepted.

Over the last three and a half years, the public has been allowed to feel the pain, experience the results, and learn the cost of what the Biden administration has done. The pain and the price have given us ears to hear and eyes to see. The results are becoming self-evident. Our borders are wide open costing the tax-payers billions of dollars, cost of living has almost doubled, inflation is through the roof, crime rates are unacceptable for most of us, our schools are failing, our children are under attack, child molestation is chronic, child trafficking has spread all over the world, healthcare costs are unsustainable, and we can’t believe our own elected officials because they have either been paid off or are being blackmailed.

Just as sure as the deep state is trying to destroy our freedoms, big pharma and the medical establishment are trying to destroy your rights to select and use natural products that in many cases are more effective and less expensive than treating the symptoms of disease, which is all they offer. At NHC Herb Shop in Killen and Herbs & More in Athens you have access to the most effective supplements ever formulated. On top of that, we offer over 50 years of accumulated experience, and we do not charge for our time or instructions.

The best way to protect your freedom of choice is to make a decision to support your health without the fear of side effects caused by prescription drugs. Our industry has grown so large that we have become extremely popular with thousands of testimonials every year.

Your friend in health,

Roy P. Williams