Just curious…what thought or picture came across your mind as you read the caption, ‘HEALER’? It has been said many times, in sundry ways, dating back to the beginning, the Bible is a book written by the hands of mere individuals who have entered into a love-based communication between themselves and their Creator. It is a book not read through the rational mind but a book read by the heart. And out of the heart flows ALL issues pertaining to life. An acronym for Bible could read, ‘Believing Imagining Beyond Life’s Experiences.’ It’s a book that encourages one to LOOK UP; after all, there’s nothing new under the sun.
Another book of absolutes and Truth-telling is the book of NATURE, written by God Himself. Have you ever considered the lilies in the field? How about counting stars at night, or sand in a desert or shoreline? What about the planting of a seed?
The horse, donkey, and mule are recorded in both books. The word ‘horse’ is referred to around 150 times in both Old and New Testaments of the Bible. During King Solomon’s reign, there were horses in the military. Horses are often connected to some type of warfare. The spiritual symbol of ‘horse’ reflects freedom, power, and independence. Donkeys, on the other hand, symbolize the pursuit of peace. A man by the name of Balaam encountered a donkey he was riding on that talked to him. Imagine that! Kings rode on mules. People actually gave mules to King Solomon as gifts. Whether a warhorse, in pursuit of peace or a gift to royalty, all have purpose and meaning.
Here’s one more acronym — H.E.A.L.E.R. Horses Express A Language Exemplifying Restoration. The Creator’s language is faith. Faith comes by hearing, and faith works by love. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith. Say “no” to anyone or anything who wants to put a saddle of law and performance on you. A horse’s language is ‘mirroring’ or ‘reflecting’; a horse simply reflects a clear image. “Mirror, mirror what am I seeing? Are the eyes of my understanding free from condemnation, fear, pride, shame, even ego?” To exemplify means to BE or GIVE an example of something. The clarification of this word described a ballerina. I quote, ‘The grace and beauty of a ballerina dancing on stage; an exemplification of the principles of ballet itself.’ In other words, she is a living example. A horse has been graced (gifted) by its Creator to bring alignment with restoration. Restoration is the action of returning something to a former owner, place, condition; an original, normal or unpaired condition.
Here are a couple of stories:
#1 Slowly a car turned onto the long driveway that led up to the house. Five horses in the southeast corner of the pasture lifted their heads, and in single file peacefully trotted up to the carport area. By the time we adults were standing together on the porch, the vehicle that had arrived to pick up our visitor was at the carport. As they remained in single file for motion, we watched as these five horses formed a figure-eight pattern right in front of our eyes in the northwest corner of the pasture, near the carport. “What are they doing?” I was asked. “I have no idea.” I paused while observing the gracious movement of the horses, and then said, “Someone in that car must need this.” Now, how in the world did these horses know that two young people, adopted as toddlers, were in that car? Come to find out the figure-eight pattern is called a cross-crawl configuration, and is used to “reset the internal
thermostat.” These horses, through their movement, gifted humanity with alignment to restoration from the trauma of abandonment that day. Go figure!
#2 Out of nowhere, the horse began to limp on her left hind leg, and then gave me what I have come to call, “the Look!” I felt the urge to ask the handler to tell me about the horse’s left side. Now, how did that horse KNOW, that as a little girl, the handler had been in a car accident and surgery on her left hip was required? The handler showed no physical indicators of a limp, but she had some left-over trauma on the inside, and that horse KNEW alignment to ORIGINAL DESIGN (restoration) was necessary. As soon as the handler told me the story, the horse stopped limping, and the handler, with joyful tears, told me that the trauma had lifted.