Hit Bottom — Build Better

By: Roy Williams

Life has many twists and turns. Even though it is safe to say, no two lives have ever been exactly the same, almost all agree that we often have to hit bottom before we build a better life for ourselves. It is often found that the greatest successes come after tremendous failures.

This article is being written so that we may be prepared for what is coming for us as a nation, and for a better understanding of how we have got to where we are today. As a nation, we are in a huge recession if not a complete depression. Everyone I talk to, and believe me I talk to lots of people from all over the country, agrees we are in financial decline. Gas prices are 27% higher than they were just four years ago. Nationwide, electricity has gone up an average of 24%, healthcare is up a whopping 31%, food cost is soaring, and our national debt is unsustainable.

Hard to believe that in a little less than four years we have busted the bottom wide open. Now, as negative as that seems, let’s remember how this article started and also remember that just because we are in a bad situation does not mean we have to stay in a bad situation. Of course, there must be some changes made at the executive level, and that is what this next election is all about. In a representative republic, it is up to “We the People” to do everything in our power to elect the most qualified representatives to do what we elect them to do. Then we must always pay attention to what they are doing, and if we discover that they are not doing what we hired them to do, we must fire them.

With that in mind, please allow me to say, with as much humility as I can, “It is time to clean house.” By doing that, we will send all of them a powerful message that we are watching, that we are sick and tired of the games they are playing, and that we will not only fire them, we will hold them accountable. It’s time for those who do anything outside their oath to uphold the Constitution, to pay a steep price, and when convicted, sent to prison. Let them know that we will never tolerate socialism or communism or anything resembling those failed forms of government in the greatest nation that has ever existed on earth — the United States of America.

Now, let’s continue the process of turning a failing, unsustainable sick care system into a truly proven and effective way to support the health of the human body naturally. By making a few simple changes, we can avoid the trap of disease management, which is all the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industries have focused on for more than five decades. Have they been successful? Yes, that is if your idea of success is making the stockholders and the owners of the sickness enterprise some of the richest companies to ever exist. However, can you name me even one disease they have cured in over 60 years?

At NEWtritional Health Care, our goal has always been to, “Make America Healthy One Person at A Time,” and we are now proud supporters of MAHA, which stands for “Make America Healthy Again.” Our principal focus is to help everyone understand that almost all disease is caused by a lack of proper nutrition. Disease is not caused by a lack of prescription drugs, therefore no matter how many prescriptions you take, they will never cure you of any disease. For 25 years, we have formulated our own line of nutritional supplements that supports specific systems of the human body. Instead of managing your disease, we simply attack the root cause with what is missing so your body can heal itself.

Our results speak for themselves. The fact that over 15,000 people have purchased our supplements and we are still growing, should tell you everything you need to know. Thousands have brought us their medical reports from before taking our formulations and again after six months to a year, showing

amazing improvements. But what we cherish most are their testimonials about everything from better cardiovascular reports, better blood sugar levels, improved mobility, reduced pain, faster healing, and increased energy and sexual desire.

So, if you feel that you have hit bottom and are ready to build back better by giving your body what it needs to heal, consider checking us out at NHC Herb Shop in Killen, Herbs & More in Athens, visit www.nhcherbs.com or call us at 256-233-0073.

Your friend in health,

Roy P. Williams