The world tells us that to rest is to be lazy. Somehow, we are supposed to be able to do it all, never get tired, and keep a smile on our face. The Lord knew that we needed rest. Just like a parent knows when their child needs to take a nap. Rest is not lazy, it’s holy and it’s both a commandment in Scripture and a gift from God to us.
I am plagued with feelings of guilt if I take time to rest. These intrusive thoughts from the devil keep me from enjoying rest. It keeps me from ever being fully relaxed. And yet, God told us to rest. When God tells us something, it isn’t just a slight suggestion or recommendation, it is a command.
Both work and rest are clearly defined in the Bible. From the very beginning, God made day and night. In His wisdom, He knew that there would be a time for work and rest. God commanded the Israelites to labor for six days but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord. In Exodus 20:9-11, God’s command for a Sabbath day of rest was not only expressed as a command but also as a gift. God gives us the day of rest to enjoy His presence. It is a time to stop working so hard and to simply worship Him. The Sabbath is called holy because it is meant to be set apart for God.
Though you may not feel like you are able to rest, know that the Bible has many examples of people who were able to take to rest in impossible situations. Daniel slept in the lions’ den. King Darius had appointed men to rule throughout the kingdom and Daniel was one of them. However, because Daniel served God and had found favor with King Darius, it made the other appointed men jealous. So they passed a decree that who ever prayed to another god would be thrown into a den of lions. They knew they would catch Daniel because he prayed to God every day, and sure enough, Daniel found himself in a den of lions. Daniel had full faith in God and in return, God closed the mouths of all the lions. Daniel was able to rest even in the midst of the lions. Daniel was awarded for his trust in God.
Paul was able to sleep in prison. In Acts 12, Peter found himself in prison for preaching the good news of Jesus. Peter was bound in chains and heavily guarded. The church begin to pray for Peter without ceasing because they knew the persecution that surely awaited Peter. Yet, there lay Peter, fast asleep. In fact, he was in such a deep sleep that an angel had to hit him on the side to wake him up. Peter didn’t even fully come to himself until the angel left him outside the prison walls. Even as Peter lay in prison, bound in chains, he trusted that the Lord would always be with him. No matter what anyone on earth would do to him here on this earth, the Lord would always be with him.
Jesus was able to sleep in a horrible storm. While Jesus rested in the bow of the boat, the apostles where above on deck battling a horrible storm. The boat was being tossed and beaten by waves, wind, and rain. The apostles where terrified, surely thinking they would drown. They went to look for Jesus and found him sleeping soundly. They woke Jesus, saying that they feared they were going to drown. Jesus simply responded, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid.” He got up and rebuked the winds and waves and just like that, the storm ceased, and everything was completely calm. All of the men with Jesus were amazed with Jesus in that moment. This wonderful story of faith is recorded in Matthew 8 and Mark 4.
No matter your circumstance, you can rest when you have God. God wants us to rest. Spending that time to rest restores our souls and gives us time to praise God for all the gifts He has given us. Resting in God is a
spiritual concept that refers to finding peace and rest from worry, stress, and confusion. It’s a way to show trust in God, and that you believe He is in control of your life.
This week’s recipe is a delicious twist on just regular chicken. Now I’m going to be honest, my hubby thinks he doesn’t like curry powder, so I have to sneak it in this recipe. If your family doesn’t like curry powder, there is still a good chance they will enjoy this warm and creamy chicken dish. Give it a try today!
“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8)