Eternally Sick

By: Roy Williams

America is now recognized as one of the sickest nations in the industrialized world, largely due to our food supply or the food complex that is tied directly to the sick care system. What better way to support the sick care system than to poison our food supply and make our citizens eternally sick? It all stems back to the invention of processed foods that destroy the body at a cellular level, a highly complex destructive system of addicting the citizens with great tasting, addictive and toxic foods that lead to chronic disease. They are destroying the human body from within, which is the same platform of communism. How do you destroy a representative republic? From within. Communism 101.

Let’s take a look at the baseline condition of “America’s Public Health.”

Obesity: 74% of American adults are overweight or obese; close to 50% of our children are overweight or obese. Today, 77% of young adults are not qualified to be in our military due to weight issues. A full 50% of American adults now have type II diabetes or are pre-diabetic and 30% of our teens now have pre-diabetes. To help you understand that number better, in 1950 only 1% of Americans had type II diabetes. This is a condition affecting our children that no pediatrician in the 1950s would have had to deal with.

Now, 18% of our teens have fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease was only diagnosed in late-stage alcoholics until the 1990s when it started to spread to all age groups, even those who had never used alcohol. Please realize that fatty liver is now the number one disease killer around the world and is caused by eating excessive amounts of addicting sugar of which high fructose corn syrup is the most consumed form of sugar in the world. Young adult cancers are up 79% and this is the first year in American history that cancer has passed two million cases. Slightly over 25% of women are on antidepressant medications. Another scary fact is that over 40% of young adults have mental health conditions. We have the highest infant mortality rate in the entire developed world, in spite of spending two-times more on health care than all other countries spend on maternity health.

Remember, the food industry has been developing this slow progressive plan using addictive and toxic chemicals that are FDA approved to be added to our foods beginning with the genetically modified seeds they plant, the insecticides they spray on the plants we eat, and the toxins used to preserve our food supplies.

Protecting our Freedoms

Our elections are just around the corner, and I believe they are the most important in our history. To do my part, please allow me a few words to remind everyone what Trump was able to accomplish while he was in the White House. He stopped all new wars from breaking out, almost closed the borders, lowered taxes on the middle class, created more jobs for more people from all ethnic groups than any president in history; Americans were saving money, food costs stabilized, interest rates were low, and the U.S., Canada, and Mexican pipeline was flowing with average gas prices at $1.89. We were experiencing the best economy in 60 years.

What has the Biden – Kamala administration done? They are supporting wars all over the Middle East, boarders are wide open and we are being invaded, taxes are higher on the middle class than they have been since the Jimmy Carter administration, many people are out of work or having to work two jobs

just to make ends meet. I personally can’t remember food costs so high in my lifetime; interest rates are so high they are predicting millions will lose their homes. Our economy is in horrible shape.

Yes, of course, the deep state wants to stop Trump because all of that goes against their agenda, which is to make slaves of every citizen in the U.S. and around the world. They want a one-world government, one-world money system, total surveillance of everything we do, control all the food supplies world-wide, open boarders, replace the Constitution, and force everyone into fifteen-minute cities. They don’t believe that anyone should own their own land because they believe that all land should be owned and controlled by government. They want everyone on their drugs so they can control how long we, the citizens, should live.

Please, make an informed decision before voting. We cannot afford, as a nation, to vote based on emotions in this important election. We must look at the facts and put our feelings aside and do what is best for this, the greatest Republic ever to exist. We will not survive another four years like the last four. It is also time for all of us to learn the facts about our food supply and stop supporting deadly foods just because they taste good. Deciding to support your health with all-natural supplements is the only thing standing between each of us and eternal dependency on big pharma, expensive medical care, and foods that should not be consumed by any human. Trump has promised to turn the power back over to the states and the people. He is definitely getting my total support.

To learn more about living healthy naturally, go by Herbs & More in Athens, NHC Herb Shop in Killen or call 256-757-0660. You can also check us out by visiting our website at Go there and scroll down to the microphone and click on it to listen to Today’s Health Update and listen to Roy explain natural health.

Your friend in health,

Roy P. Williams