“Do You Trust Vaccines?”

By: Roy Williams

Have you heard that there are cures for almost all disease? We are here to tell you, that is a true statement, but the powerful drug industry and the medical profession will do anything, including lie, to protect their interests. In fact, those powerful organizations have censored information and pay legislators to make the sale of actual cures illegal.

With over 40 years of nutritional studies and having developed over 40 products that support natural health, I can tell you for a fact, that there are no limits to what those industries are willing to do to stop you from finding out about what we are going to disclose. After working with thousands of people suffering from disorders that are absolutely preventable and curable, we have decided to prove to the world, disorders such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer, can be avoided and reversed with few exceptions.

Unfortunately, there is not a single product that does it all. So, with that knowledge, let me begin with the one thing that everyone can and should do to prevent many diseases such as colds, flus, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, sinus infections, yeast and fungal infections, parasites, fibromyalgia, auto immune disorders, and in many cases, even cancer. Please allow me to stress that almost all the health issues plaguing our nation can be prevented by doing one thing, boosting your natural immunity.

With over 40 years’ experience in nutritional studies and having worked with thousands of clients, what I am about to introduce to you is so effective that our clients will tell you that our products have changed their lives more than anything they have ever tried. What is the secret? SUPER CHARGE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Our immune system is our first line of defense against infection and it is so effective, when it is working as God designed, that almost nothing can get past it; not even cancer is allowed to develop when the immune system is working properly.

When I was a teenager, the odds of me developing cancer were 1 in 14. Fifty years later, my odds are 1 in 3 and that is in spite of modern science, new age medicine, and the most dangerous and expensive drugs ever introduced to the public. The one thing that has changed dramatically is our immune systems have been assaulted, leaving them so weak that most people are more vulnerable than ever before to become diseased. As a result, the only thing growing faster than preventable disorders are the profits gained by the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industries that only treat the symptoms of disease with no desire to prevent or reverse disease.

By taking just 2 IS-3 capsules each morning and 2 more each evening you can super charge your immune system, making it so powerful that it can keep you from becoming sick in the first place. Even if you are exposed to a virus or bacteria, you will likely not even know you have it. Imagine going through a spring and summer without sinus problems or allergies. Imagine, when everyone around is suffering from colds and flus, you are never even affected or even, if you do develop some of the symptoms, they are so slight you don’t even have to slow down. Remember, when there is another pandemic and everyone is worried, your immune system will remain so healthy, odds are, you may never even notice.

What’s more, there are so many studies proving that a healthy immune system can protect you from many other disorders, especially infectious diseases, reducing your risk of shingles, gout, pneumonia, sinus infections, staph infections, Sars, diabetes, and even cancer. By

maintaining a healthy immune

system, you should notice more energy, better concentration, improved digestive health, fewer skin disorders, and increased stamina.

All this and more are possible with a product we developed and patented over 20 years ago called IS-3. So easy to use. Take two capsules each morning, and two before bed. IS-3 stands for Immune Support 3 because the three main ingredients — IP-6, Cordyceps Synthesis, and Beta-1,3/1,6-D-Glucan — have an amazing history for their remarkable abilities to super charge the white blood cells, microphage, and killer T cells, which are responsible for recognizing, attacking, and disposing of any invader that gets into your body. Those 3 superstars for immune support along with the other vitamins and herbs all work synergistically, turning your immune system into a fighting force that protects from every direction.

To learn more, go by Herbs & More in Athens or NHC Herb Shop in Killen, call 256-777-5660 for delivery or log on to www.nhcherbs.com. IS-3 has been a staple for so many of our customers that I am sure you will be truly satisfied.

Your friend in health,

Roy P. Williams