Changing Our Perspective

By: D. A. Slinkard

Life is about perspective. I believe this statement to be true for all people. How your life turns out is what you make it to be. Yet, too often, people relish in making excuses as to why they are not able to achieve certain results. In fact, I would say we, as a society, have made it way too easy to make excuses as to why we cannot accomplish success. We want things to be convenient, we do not want things to be hard. I had a father who was born in 1918, and the perspective I had growing up is that success takes hard work.

This philosophy does not work in the world we live in today. Because too many people are trying to become the next Tik Tok sensation or Instagram star, many people have lost focus on the discipline of hard work. Look at our country today and you see staffing shortages throughout the entire United States. There are jobs out there, but people are too lazy to want to go to work. Why? Simple – we have made it way too easy to make excuse and we want things to be convenient; we do not want things to be hard. Hard life equals going to work for your wages, convenient life is having the government provide everything for you. Our mentality is wrong.

Sometimes, life needs to be hard for us to grow as an individual. Things being easy does not make us better, it makes us more prone to give up when things actually get tough. Now, just because something is hard does not mean that we should just roll over and give up; yet too many people are doing this daily. If you were to go back in history and look at the generations before us, can you imagine what our world would be like if they had given up when life got hard?

The advancements we have made in this country would not be anywhere close to what we have achieved. The United States of America would not be the powerful country it has been, yet sadly, we are on the verge of losing our country. Why? Again it is simply that we have made it way too easy to make excuses, and we want things to be convenient; we do not want things to be hard.

It is time for our reality check to take place because we are staring the demise of our country eye-to-eye. I never thought I would see our country go down as quickly as what it has in the past few years, but folks, we need to change our perspective. We need to go back to the mentality of what worked before. We need to get back to the basis of hard work. We need to get back to the basis of a faith and belief in God. Fact — we have tried to take God out of our country and in doing so we have practically lost our country.

We cannot change what has happened in the past, the only thing we can do is change what happens today and tomorrow. We need the rallying cry to begin immediately for our world to change. If we want to see this change happen, it must first begin with us. We cannot expect others to make the change before we do because that would be going back to the ideology of what has gotten us to this point. We have made it way too easy to make excuses and we want things to be convenient, we do not want things to be hard.

We need to change our mentality of how we live our lives, how we run our government, and what is socially acceptable. If we were to step back and take a different approach, I do believe we would see a change in our society. What would happen if the government was not the sole provider for so many people? There is no incentive for anyone to get off government assistance and thus politicians continuously get elected to office. There was a time it was an embarrassment to be on government assistance, but now it is seemingly glorified. All of this has happened because we made it too easy to make excuses and we want things to be convenient, we do not want things to be hard. We need to take the perspective of no longer allowing excuses to dictate our lives. When we change our perspective, we will change our lives.

By: D. A. Slinkard

D.A. Slinkard would love your feedback. You can contact him at