
By: Claire Tribble

Have you noticed the beautiful pots that line the sidewalks around the Square? Those are thanks to the ladies of the Athens-Limestone Beautification Board. The Athens-Limestone Beautification Board falls under the Keep Athens-Beautiful umbrella, and they have several projects that they maintain every year. And it just so happens, they are looking for a few more volunteer board members to help them continue their projects!

The Downtown Project includes the beautiful pots lining the sidewalks and the hanging baskets that flank the Limestone County Courthouse lawn. Each season, ladies come together and plant the gorgeous pots to provide a pop of color and beauty for the patrons of downtown Athens. The spring plantings have been overflowing in color and blooms for a while now and are truly gorgeous! The pansies that are planted in the fall add a splash of bright colors throughout the winter, and we all love to see that on a cold and dreary day. It’s always hard to pull up the plants at the end of the season, but we sure do have fun digging in that dirt and planting the next ones!

Athens-Limestone Beautification Board also heads up the Old Town Cemetery project. The Old Town Cemetery on East Washington Street is the oldest known cemetery in Athens, with burial dates going as far back as 1820. Every year during the Christmas season, the Beautification Board perfects their wreaths and decorates the cemetery. The bright red bows draw attention to the long forgotten resting place of some of the first residents of Limestone County. They also hang wreaths at entrances to the Athens City Cemetery and the Thatch-Mann Cemetery.

These ladies also make sure that the “Welcome to Athens” signs are maintained throughout the year. They also maintain the pots at the entrance to Roselawn Cemetery to provide a little hint of cheer as you pass through. The Clinton Street Triangle is another area that they have taken under their wing. The beautiful pots during the summer, the pumpkins in the fall, and the beautiful Christmas décor in the winter adds a little “pop” as you pass by.

If you think you may be interested in joining the Athens-Limestone Beautification Board, reach out to us (256-233-8000 or and we will answer any questions you may have! You can even come and sit in on a board meeting and meet the other members. We meet once a month, and we’d love to have you!

By: Claire Tribble – Executive Director, Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful