I have a stash of old files just crammed with articles, stories, and phrases or words that have challenged, motivated, empowered, or even rebuked me through decades of being in the financial services/insurance/ training/marketing workplaces. While cleaning out an old file, I have had the best time considering and re-thinking some of those thoughts and words of wisdom or humor. I have no idea where many originated. I want to say THANK YOU to each one who many years ago took time to share. So, now, I’d like to share some of them with you. So, I hope you enjoy pondering each one. (PONDER!!! I just love that word! “PONDER!” Say it aloud. Don’t you just feel wiser saying it?!)…PON-der.
Here we GO! Age doesn’t always bring wisdom: Sometimes it comes alone.
A day without sunshine is like night.
It’s frustrating when you know all the answers… and nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
Brain cells come, and brain cells go… but fat cells live forever.
The question is not “Can you?” – But “Will you?”
It is often the little things that make the biggest difference.
Compare the cost of doing something with the cost of doing nothing.
Reject rejection. Doubt your doubts…not your Faith!
Tenacity: Is the second wind that lifts you above the storm.
· Uses failure as fuel for the next endeavor
· Turns worms into butterflies
· Hangs on to dreams
· Realizes everyone fails; but that doesn’t make us a failure.
There’s not a Victory without a fight. There’s not a Sunrise without a night.
There’s not a Purchase without a cost. There’s not a Crown without a cross.
Plan your work – Work your plan. (And don’t forget to plan a lot of “DO DAYS” into your schedule. Some of us plan so much we never get much actually done.)
Take time to THINK — If you could have any question fully answered, what would it be?
QUESTIONS to ask yourself about GOALS:
1. Is it MY goal?
2. Is it morally right and fair?
3. Are my short-range goals consistent with my long-range goals?
4. Can I commit emotionally to complete the project?
5. Can I visualize myself achieving this goal?
Well Done! Is better than Well Said.
You are what you think about.
Strive diligently for EXCELLENCE. Never, NEVER seek or demand “PERFECTION.”
Success is a journey, not a destination.
Desire creates Power.
No Goals = No Glory
Action conquers Fear.
The Chinese word for “CRISIS” is made of intricate symbols for two other words: Danger plus Opportunity
“If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse: However, if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
On the other hand…you have different fingers.
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
The Eagle who soars high above never worries about how to cross the river below. (I saw that on a motivational poster once. Then I thought… “Yes, but the eagle soaring above has to descend daily for sustenance. The highs of life are great, but the real character is developed and revealed in the trenches of daily life.”)
Change is inevitable…except from vending machines.
Always try to be modest…and be proud of it.
And one last thought: You are enough. You are unique. You are treasured. If you don’t believe that, contact me. I will PROVE IT TO YOU!
By: Detri McGhee – CLU, ChFC
Detri would love to hear from you! Especially your thoughts on how to handle criticism, or problems you would like to get feedback on from others. Email: detrimcghee@gmail.com or Facebook: Criticism Management by Detri. Free outline for Criticism Management available at www.criticismmanagement.com