We Are At War

By: Roy Williams

Ladies and gentleman, make no mistake about it, we are at war. The war started in November of 2020 when the newly elected president Donald J. Trump was duly elected president of the United States. Actually, from the moment that it was announced that he won, the bullets began to fly. Now, I’m not talking about bullets being fired from a gun, instead the bullets I’m talking about were far more dangerous and damaging.

Almost immediately the character assassination began with women coming out clamming he had sexually abused them or fired them wrongfully, all the way to his possible involvement with Russia. The onslaught of misinformation has never stopped. Not even after the 2020 election did it stop. All the way through the Biden administration President Trump has been under attack and it has never stopped.

Now that Trump is likely to win in November 2024, just when you think things can’t get any worse, an attempt to assassinate him has happened proving that the deep state will stop at nothing to keep him from getting back in office. Yes, we are at war and the stakes have never been higher. In order for the elite, deep state, western central banking system and political cartel to stay in power they have proven that there is nothing they aren’t willing to do to stop him from being president again.

Why are they so afraid of Trump? The deep state actors know that when he gets back in power their days are numbered. Trump promised in his first term as president that he would begin to drain the swamp, which is full of corrupt, evil, immoral, and disgusting creatures. Trump wants to stop the western central banking cartel and shut down several of the three letter organizations that are operating under the color of law, proven when the Supreme Court recently reversed the Chevron doctrine taking away the power of the three letter organizations saying that their decisions are unconstitutional.

Another reason the deep state is fearful of him is his desire to move the power away from the government and put it back in the hands of the people. Trump wishes to give the power back to the states, instead of the Federal Government having so much power. By doing that, we the people can decide how each state operates, which schools our children can attend, how much we are willing to pay in taxes, which medical plans and treatments are best for us, and how much of our taxpayer money can be sent overseas. Trump also promises no more wars, to close the border, open the pipeline from Canada to Mexico, reduce taxes, decrease the national debt, and put God back in our schools. He has even talked about getting rid of the IRS. How awesome would that be?

Note, that all of that moves the power away from the three letter organizations, big businesses and politicians, allowing the people to make the decisions that are best for them. By stripping them of their power, which was never law anyway, we the people can and will become more successful. After all, who is better to make decisions for the people, than the people? It’s time to stop a bunch of bureaucrats, lawyers, and politicians that think only of themselves, their wealth, and their power and take control so we can make the important decisions that we are fully capable of making anyway. In other words, it’s time to stop the dependency on them and for each individual to become self-reliant.

The most basic foundation of capitalism and independence was individual liberties. As you can now understand, the deep state (elitist) has slowly, over time, usurped our liberties from us by taking away our rights with the promises of protections and securities. It’s now in our faces that they have failed miserably. Our borders are wide open, the crime rate is through the roof, everything costs more, our taxes are higher, interest rates are higher, and our nation is so deep in debt that every child born today starts with a debt of over $80,000.

It is not my goal to tell anyone how to vote. It is however my responsibility to encourage every American to vote and then make sure your vote is counted. They cheated and stole the last presidential election, and seeing clearly just how desperate the deep state is to maintain power and cover their crimes, we the people must be fully alert and be part of the solution instead of supporting the deep state by not participating in the November election.

Our freedoms and our very existence as a representative republic are on the line. America simply can’t afford another four years of the same. Remember, if the same administration stays in power, within only a few months, you will have no say in many areas of your life. In other words, your health, your liberty, and your pursuit of happiness are all at risk.

To maintain your freedom of health please consider shopping with Herbs & More in Athens, NHC Herb Shop in Killen or going to nhcherbs.com for all your nutritional supplies. Also, consider listening to Today’s Health Update on your local radio stations including WKAC in Athens, WBTG in Sheffield, and WDXE in Lawrenceburg.

Your Friend in Health,

By: Roy P Williams