Driving Blind

By: Brenda Wilkerson

Due to sickness and bus driver shortages everywhere, our driver team routinely helps with our local middle and high school routes. Being my turn, I was given the sub route sheet. Let’s just say, some high school drivers are notorious for their painfully skimpy directions. So, with 3 pages of skeletal directions securely stapled together, I am assured a difficult journey with high school kids I’ve never met, going to streets I’ve never been, while weaving the equivalent of a bulky yellow 747 through uncharted territory. Driving. Blind. With a bag full of sour straws, I did what any other wise bus driver would do…bribe them with sour candy if they help get this bus load home. There.

You can throw those vague directions to the wind as each helpful student took their turn moving to the front seat to guide me to their next stop home. Done (Whew) and done. These kids were fantastic! Working together, they used excellent worded direction to assure everybody got home safe and sound with no missed stops. An added blessing was that not only were they great co-captains, these older students were polite and patient. Lord, what a reflective picture of what our obedience to Your promptings should look like.

Spiritually, we are ‘driving blind’ while waiting on our loving Lord to reveal the next step with His heavenly directions that will lead us through jarring bumps and uncharted territory to peace and eventually, safely Home. May we press into Him, praying, and reading His directions so we can hear His voice clearly whisper the next step in our journey. Amen


By: Brenda Wilkerson