The Horse Knickers: “GET OUT AND VOTE

By: Deb Kitchenmaster

What’s a horse’s number one priority when voting? Wait for it…a stable economy!

The American Horse Council (AHC) urges the entire equine industry to vote early. One of the key freedoms of being an American citizen of the United States of America is the freedom to vote. It is important to mount up and exercise your right to participate in an election. This election! One vote — yours — can make a difference. Don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise. I want to encourage you to be informed, get out and talk to others, and if you can, volunteer. Elections have consequences. Elections have consequences for the equine industry as well. When the choice not to vote is made by an individual of age, that person is giving up their voice. Don’t give up your voice. Protect it.

The Horse Protection Act was updated 4/10/24. The Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act H.R. 3090 has been reintroduced in the House of Representatives by Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-1-PA) along with 240 co-sponsors. H.R. 3090 would strengthen the Horse Protection Act, banning the use of devices commonly used to inflict pain on horses, eliminating the current system of industry self-policing and increasing penalties for violators. AHC (American Horse Council) is actively supporting the passage of H.R. 3090.

Have you heard the name Allie Young? Allie, 34, started the ride to the polls campaign back in 2020, in Arizona. Her passion was to register new voters in person and online. The horse symbolizes strength and resilience, as well as connection to the earth in Navajo (Dine’) culture. One hundred Indigenous voters will be riding on horseback to a polling station on Election Day. Here are a couple of quotes from Allie Young: “When one mounts a horse and is in rhythm with the horse, that reconnection happens. So when we’re connected with the horse, we’re then reconnected to Mother Earth and reminded (REMEMBER) our cultural values, and what we’re fighting for, what we are protecting.”

Are you aware of how the horses on the Border Patrol’s horse patrol units play an integral part in securing the nation’s border? Thirty-one horses, all geldings, mostly Mustangs, and 30 Border Patrol agents partner in the Rio Grande valley sector. It’s officially reported that the horse’s stealth and swift skills, connected with its rider, is a synergy that intervenes greatly to stop migrants from illegally crossing from Mexico into South Texas, especially at night. The horses are excellent in the night watch because they can see. They often see objects and/or people coming across before the agent does. “They’re very useful out in the field. They can get into areas that other entities aren’t able to get into,” Agent Danny Rios stated. Before these horses and riders go into the fields for overnight duty, these horses and the Border Patrol agents, who ride them, must go through extensive training and pass a National Border Patrol training program that takes about 6 weeks.

Regardless, if you are a council member functioning out of Washington D.C. or a Navajo with a burning, passionate cause in Arizona or a night rider patrolling the border in South Texas, or any other 47 states, hear the knickers of the horses to make sure you cast your vote! May the horse be with you, may you be rooted and grounded in Perfect, Unfailing Love, Wisdom and Truth, watered by Grace! Saddle up your horses; we have a nation to save by crying out to Almighty God, that by His hand and our righteous action “America shall be saved.” Do your righteous action…vote.