Elect Johnny Turner — Limestone County Commission, District 2

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner

Johnny Turner spent the first part of his career in sales as well as the corporate world, and developed a personal commitment to being someone who kept their word and genuinely served his customers. If there was anything that just didn’t “feel right” about a sale, Johnny would have rather gone without the profit and be able to live with himself, and at times that is just what he did. All his life he has been a strong supporter of the Constitution as written, the 2nd Amendment, limited government, and the values that honor faith and family in the private quarter as well as the public square. He is no stranger to challenge or crushing circumstances and is married to a breast cancer survivor. Johnny and his wife Amber adopted their now five-year-old granddaughter, Charlotte, and together they are active in our community in a number of arenas; the most recent is working toward getting Johnny elected as the new District 2 Commissioner for Limestone County.

Johnny is well-known in North Alabama as the former field representative for Limestone and Morgan Counties for U.S. Congressman Mo Brooks. Johnny served in that position for twelve years through tumultuous times, including the first Trump administration, the assassination attempt that wounded Steve Scalise, and the 2020 election. He is quick to say that the whole experience prepared him for what lies ahead for Limestone County, and gave him skills that he would like to use as your commissioner.

I asked Johnny about some of those skills, and here is what he told me: “I have the ability to pick up the phone,” which is an understated way of saying that he has no problem communicating with people and getting the job done. Johnny also said, “I built relationships over the years — relationships that have lasted.” Below is a statement made by Mo’s former chief of staff, Marshall Yates, which illustrates Johnny’s point:

I worked closely with Johnny Turner the better part of a decade. I can tell you Johnny is loyal, a true conservative, big into gun rights, and a strong advocate for Limestone County. He’s the right pick to help grow Limestone County, continue to bring in investment, and grow jobs to lead the county into its best decade yet.

Johnny’s experience as a congressional field rep gave him a firm understanding of what is needed to run a county well. It was his job to communicate with and educate constituents, and he needed to be able to address concerns that pertain to the inner workings of government. He has lobbied for initiatives and understands public policy.

There are several topics that are top-of-list for Johnny. He is committed to seeing to it that the taxpayer dollar is spent prudently, and that appropriate services are readily available to the citizens of our county while the county is being run well. Another is increasing the number of SRO officers in our schools. If elected, Johnny will join the ranks of every elected official in Limestone County that is facing this question: “We are the fastest growing county in the State of Alabama, and how do we grow well?” He put it simply by stating, “We have hard questions to ask, and hard choices to make.”

Johnny and Amber Turner are involved in a number of community ventures. Amber works for the Limestone County Economic Development Association as their project manager. Formerly she was with the Morgan County Chamber of Commerce and headed up their workforce development team. Johnny is on the Board of Directors for the Mental

Health Center for North Alabama, and improving the mental health of the people of Limestone County is a passion that runs deep. He is a member of the Rotary Club and the Athens-Limestone Chamber of Commerce. He has volunteered for providing security where Charlotte attends school, and the Turner family worships at Journey Church. They are dog lovers, and between them, Johnny and Amber have fostered 30 dogs.

When current District 2 Commissioner Danny Barksdale decided that he would not run again, Johnny began the qualification process for running as a Republican candidate for the position. Here is what he said:

I am announcing my candidacy for Limestone County Commission District 2. Currently the seat is held by Danny Barksdale and he does not plan to run for reelection.

As you know, for the last twelve years, I have served as the Field Representative for Congressman Brooks in Limestone and Morgan Counties. It has been my honor to work along other community leaders. Amber and I are invested here and we have chosen this as the place we want to raise our daughter. It is my strong desire to continue to work with others as we chart the future for the county and our families.

The role of County Commissioner is a new one for me, but I think my background brings much to the table. In addition to my work in the political arena, I previously worked in the corporate world, I have served as a director of a community bank, I have served on the boards of several non-profits, and in my church. I think that experience and the connections I have made over the last decade will serve the community well.

I believe I am the right person for the job at this time; if you agree, I want to ask for your support in this campaign. Together we can continue working to make this region the best in Alabama. I humbly ask for your vote and support.

If these are the qualities and level of experience that you would like to see in the next District 2 Limestone County Commissioner, then vote for Johnny Turner on November 5.

By: Ali Elizabeth Turner